General API Methods

BattlePlugin.getPlugin().getActionRegistry() -> Returns the ActionRegistry which should be used to register internal & external quests.

CompletableFuture<Optional<User>> getUser(UUID) -> Returns a completable future of a user (the optional will be present/not present based on whether they were in the cache)

CompletableFuture<User> getOrLoadUser(UUID) -> Returns a completable future of a user from the cache, loaded or created (since v3.13).

Optional<Reward<?>> getReward(String id) -> Returns a Reward if a command or Reward if an item wrapped in an optional. It will not be present if the reward could not be found.

long currentWeek() -> Returns the current week of the battlepass.

void setPassId(User user, String passId) -> Sets the pass type of the specified user and gives rewards if set to premium.

Tier getTier(int tier, String passId) -> Gets the Tier object for the specified tier and pass type.

int getRequiredPoints(int tier, String passId) -> Gets the number of points required to reach the specified tier of a specified pass type.

void givePoints(User user, int points) -> Gives the set amount of points to the user.

void reward(User user, int tier, boolean ignoreRestrictions) -> Gives the rewards of a specified tier for every pass type to the user (it verifies they have that pass type).

void reward(User user, String passId, int tier, boolean ignoreRestrictions) -> Gives the rewards of a specified tier for a specific pass type to the user (it verifies they have that pass type).

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