You use in-game editor you need to use command /bpa editor. In menu you need to choose category which you want edit. After that you can edit existing quest or create a new quest.
By editing .yml files
To create or edit quest go to plugins/BattlePass/quests folder and open file with category which you want to edit. There you can edit quest which already exists or create a new quest by adding it to quests section using this template (if you don't need certain option, just remove line with it):
10: # UNIQUE quest ID
name: "My Quest" # Name of your quest
type: "block-break" # Check "Quest Types"
variable: "iron_ore" #Check "Setting up and using Variables"
points: 5 # Number of points for completing quest
required-progress: 10 # Required progress to complete quest
exclusive: "free" # "free" if quest is for everyone or "premium" if is only for players with premium pass
special-progress: [] # Check "Special Cases Progress"
complete-commands: # Commands executed after completing quest
- "give %player% coal 1" # It will give 1 coal to player for completing this quest :)
whitelisted-world: [] # Worlds where player can complete quest (or empty when all worlds are allowed)
blacklisted-worlds: [] # Worlds where player can't complete quest
whitelisted-regions: [] # WorldGuard regions where player can complete quest (or empty when all regions are allowed)
blacklisted-regions: [] # WorldGuard regions where player can't complete quest
item: # Icon configuration
material: "diamond" #
name: "&6Week X &7| &eMy Quest" # Name of item
lore: # Item description
- "&6Break 10 iron ores"
- "&e%total_progress%&7/&e%required_progress%"
item-flags: [] #
enchants: # List of enchantments
customModelData: 0 # Custom Model Data of your item (for resource packs)
amount: 1 # Item amount
nbt: "" # Custom NBT text used like in /give command. Example: "diamond[unbreakable={}]" will add Unbreakable modification to this item
Icon placeholders
%info% - Information about current step
%step% - Current step
%steps% - Number of steps in this quest
%total_progress% - Progress (number)
%required_progress% - Required progress (number)
%percentage_progress% - Progress (percent)
%progress_bar% - Progress (bar)