
/bp (/battlepass)

  • /bp help -> Gives available battlepass commands.

  • /bp stats -> Gives your BattlePass stats, set in the lang.yml.

  • /bp open <menu name> -> Opens the specified menu.

  • /bp open week <week number> -> Opens week menu of specified week.

  • /bp leaderboard -> Opens leaderboard menu

  • /bp leaderboard tier -> Shows tier leaderboard

  • /bp leaderboard quests -> Shows quests leaderboard

  • /bp boosters -> Shows current boosters

/bpa (/battlepassadmin)

  • /bpa reload -> Reloads all the reloadable files.

  • /bpa give balance <player> <amount> - Give a player internal balance (used with internal method on reward-excess-points).

  • /bpa giveall balance <amount> - Give internal balance to all players (used with internal method on reward-excess-points).

  • /bpa remove balance <player> <amount> - Takes away a player's internal balance (used with internal method on reward-excess-points).

  • /bpa set balance <player> <amount> - Sets a player's internal balance (used with internal method on reward-excess-points).

  • /bpa set pass <player> <pass type> -> Sets a players pass type.

  • /bpa set pass online/all <pass type> -> Mass set lots of players' pass types.

  • /bpa set points <player> <points> -> Set a players points.

  • /bpa give points <player> <points> -> Give a player points.

  • /bpa giveall points <points> -> Give points to all players.

  • /bpa delete user <player> -> Delete all data of a user.

  • /bpa quest ids <week> -> List all of the weeks quest ids and their names.

  • /bpa daily quest ids -> List all of the daily quest ids and their names.

  • /bpa reset quest <player> <week> <id> -> Resets a specific quest of a player.

  • /bpa sync daily quests -> Sync daily quest across bungee network

  • /bpa progress quest <player> <week> <quest id> <amount> -> Progress a specific quest of a player.

  • /bpa progress daily quest <player> <quest id> <amount> -> Progress a specific quest of a player.

  • /bpa refresh daily quests -> Refresh daily quests.

  • /bpa new season -> Resets user tiers, pending rewards and points.

  • /bpa material <block/item> -> Get the config name of the item you're holding or block you're looking at.

  • /bpa bypass locked quests <player> -> Allows the player to bypass week locks and complete quests anyway.

  • /bpa editor - Open quests editor

  • /bpa boosters add <player/all> <PROGRESS/POINTS/REWARDS> <percent> <hours> <affects> - Adds booster (Read More)

  • /bpa boosters clear <player/all> - Removes boosters

/bpd (/battlepassdebug)

  • /bpd start - Starts debug logging until it is stopped.

  • /bpd stop - Stops debug logging.

  • /bpd create - Dumps a debug log including data for every online user.

  • /bpd create <player> - Creates a debug log including data for the specified player only.

  • /bpd clear - Clears the contents of the current debug logger.

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