Menu Actions

BattlePass is powered in a lot of places by menu actions. Be aware that options like the next page may only be available in menus. The same goes for other dependent options.

The menu action can be used to open a menu for a player anywhere or if they have a menu open, go to the previous or next page.

The menu action also supports conditions. = is used to represent something is the same, ! to represent when something is different. Additionally, instead of using the menu name, you can also use close to close their currently open menu. Format: [menu](condition) {menu-name} Examples:

  - '[menu](page = 1) {portal}' # If the page is 1, take them to the portal page
  - '[menu](page ! 1) {previous-page}' # If their page is not 1, take them to the previous page
  - '[menu] {next-page}' # Conditions are not required
  - '[menu] {close}' # Closes their currently opened menu

Message Action

Sound Action

This will play a sound for a player. You can find a list of sounds for your version by googling Minecraft sound enum. You can optionally specify the volume and pitch of the sound (it doesn't work for all due to the way Minecraft works). Format: [sound]{sound:volume:pitch} where you can remove volume/or pitch. Examples:

  - '[sound] {BLOCK_ANVIL_USE}'
  - '[sound] {BLOCK_ANVIL_USE:2}'
  - '[sound] {DOOR_CLOSE:3:2}'

Title/Subtitle Action

This will execute a Title or Subtitle to the player. You can use %player% to use the player's name. Format: [title] {message} [subtitle] {message} Examples:

  - '[title] {Hello World!}'
  - '[subtitle] {Hello %player%}'

Command Action (Since v3.4)

This will execute a command as the player it's triggered for. You can use %player% to use the player's name. Format: [command] {the command} Examples:

  - '[command] {bp menu rewards}'
  - '[command] {some-command %player%}'

Console Command Action (Since v3.4)

This will execute a command as the console. You can use %player% to use the triggered player's name. Format: [console-command] {some console command} Examples:

  - '[console-command] {bc &c%player% did some thing. IDK what.}'
  - '[console-command] {lp user %player% parent add some-group server="skyblock"}'

Last updated